Debbie Behan Garrett
Black-Doll Enthusiast, Author, Doll Griot
Published in 2003, 2008, and 2010 and 2022, respectively, Garrett's books on Black dolls are a must-have for any doll enthusiast.

The Definitive Guide to Collecting Black Dolls
The Definitive Guide to Collecting Black Dolls, Hobby House Press, 2003 – The first full-color black-doll reference book with over 400 images of the dolls it references and values. Featured in this book are Black dolls made from cloth, bisque, celluloid, composition, paper, rubber, wood, and hard plastic. Fashion dolls, modern artist dolls, and other doll categories are covered. This long overdue, insightful book includes a price guide and tips for buying and selling in the collector’s market. It is a must-have book for collectors and social historians who want to see first-hand the evolution of a childhood plaything which in recent years has also been fashioned for adult collectors. This title has received a rating average of 5 stars on Amazon.com. Author's copies are now sold out! New and used copies might be available through independent Amazon.com sellers at the buy link.

Black Dolls
A Comprehensive Guide to Celebrating, Collecting, and Experiencing the Passion
ISBN-13: 978-0615242026
(Electronic version)
Garrett’s second Black-doll reference book, softcover, is a comprehensive celebration of over 1000 antique-to-modern Black dolls. Doll genres celebrated, referenced, and valued include early dolls and memorabilia, cloth, fashion, manufactured, artist, one-of-a-kind, celebrity, and paper dolls. A to Z Tips on Collecting, Doll Creativity, which includes reborn dolls, and loads of Added Extras will entertain, enlighten, excite, and encourage the most discriminating collector. This self-published title sold out within a year of its 2008 publication date. The author later sold prepublication copies with CD of chapter 4. All hardcopies have now been sold. The electronic version remains available through Google Play and as a Kindle book.

The Doll Blogs:
When Dolls Speak, I Listen
ISBN-13: 978-0615421841 and 979-8428727876
Published in 2010 (ebook), revised and reprinted in 2022
To serve the doll-collecting community, particularly avid Black-doll enthusiasts, Garrett continues to write about the dolls she loves. In this, her third doll publication, dolls, both old and new, blog their experiences over a two-year period as chosen dolls in Garrett's extensive and quite eclectic Black-doll collection.
If you love dolls, possess a vivid imagination, and enjoy combining the two, you will derive great pleasure reading The Doll Blogs, another first for Debbie Behan Garrett.
Garrett takes the reader on an imaginative voyage in the doll-collecting world where she meets and greets new dolls, reacquaints herself with old ones, and continues the passion for all as a doll whisperer, allowing the dolls to speak through her. The dolls (some more vocal than others, with personalities all their own) find delight in telling their unique stories, sharing their experiences, and relaying how they entered Garrett's collection. This first book devoted to dolls that speak in blog form is masterfully engaging, and a delightful read!
The Doll Blogs is now in its second printing on Amazon. Use the 2nd ed. link below.